My C.V.

Arielle A. Anderson
August 2012

Expected 2017    Ph.D.    Biology, The Pennsylvania State University
2012                    B.S.      Biochemistry, University of Minnesota

Research Experience
2012                Origins of Life Initiative: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship, Harvard University
Project title: Proteomics analysis of chronic versus acute thermotolerance in a hydrothermal vent polychaete, Paralvinella sulfincola
                        Mentor:  Dr. Peter Girguis, Department of Organismic and Evolutionary
2012                Directed Research, University of Minnesota
                        Project title: Interspecies differential expression of the sea urchin
                        Mentor: Dr. David Matthes, Genetics, Cell Biology and Development
2011                NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, Bermuda Institute for     
                        Ocean Science
                        Project title: Cellular oxidative damage in sea urchin models of aging
                        Mentor: Dr. Andrea Bodnar, Molecular biology
2011                Directed Research, University of Minnesota
                        Project title: Soudan Mine microbial ecology: correlation of siderophore-  
                        producing microbes with microhabitat
                        Mentor: Dr. Christine Salomon, Center for Drug Design (natural       
2009-2010       Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, University of   
                        Project title: Formation of hydrogen peroxide under deep-sea    
                        hydrothermal conditions
                        Mentor: Dr. William E. Seyfried , Earth Sciences

            Anderson, A.A., Bodnar, A.B. (2012) Oxidative cellular damage in sea urchin
            models of aging.  Society for Free Radical Research International 16th Biennial
            Conference, London, UK

Anderson AA, Seyfried WE (2010) Formation of hydrogen peroxide under deep-sea hydrothermal conditions.  National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Ithaca, NY.

Field, Specializations and Interests
Marine biodiversity with respect to its discovery, conservation, applications to human health and understanding at the molecular level; hydrothermal vent ecology; astrobiology; evolution, especially with respect to cellular adaptations to the toxicity of reactive oxygen species; systems biology

Invited Talks
2010    ESCI 1006: Oceanography, University of Minnesota
            Title: The Evolutionary History and Conservation Biology of Sharks 

Workshops and meetings
2012    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory EMSL User Meeting, Richland, WA
2011    UNOLS Deep Submergence Science Committee (DeSSC) Annual Community        
            Meeting, San Francisco, CA
2011    American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
2011    Practical NMR Workshop, University of Minnesota

Teaching Experience
2012    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, BIOC 4025: Laboratory in Biochemistry

Travel awards
2012    NSF BIO REU Travel Scholarship; London, UK
2011    UNOLS DeSSC Annual Community Meeting Financial Support; San Francisco, CA
2010    National Conference for Undergraduate Research Travel Assistance; Ithaca, NY

Honors, Memberships and Certifications
2011    Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Member
2011    Spring semester, Dean’s List at the University of Minnesota, College of    
            Biological Sciences
2008    SCUBA certified: NAUI Open Water Certified

Internships and Volunteer Work
2010    Bimini Biological Field Station; Bimini, Bahamas
            Research assistant
2008    The Minnesota Zoo; Apple Valley, MN
            Aquariums Intern
2007    Como Zoo; St. Paul, MN
            Aquatics assistant

Technical Skills
            Skills and equipment used in research experience:
DNA extraction, protein homogenization, DNA gel electrophoresis, ELISA assays, UV/Visible spectrophotometry, column chromatography, PCR, 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis (NCBI BLAST), optimization of microbial culturing from environmental sediment and liquid samples, rotary evaporator, sea urchin dissection, microarray analysis, proteomics analysis

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